PSA4-5043 at different feed impedances
(Jan 30 2013)

The screen dump provides the following info where the NF of the LNA itself is assumed to be 0.6191 dB and the dissipative loss of all DUTs are assumed to be 0.1084 dB.

The average of NONE is 0.0399 dB which means that (0.0399 - 0.6191 + 0.1084) = -0.4708 dB has to be added to levels with cable combinations to get the corresponding NF values with negative sign.

DUT       Level      NF
NONE    -0.0466    0.6191
DUT231  -0.1954    0.6662
DUT213  -0.1675    0.6383
DUT132  -0.1949    0.6657
DUT312  -0.1726    0.6434
None    -0.0332    0.6191